BMW Bank. Financial Services: Digitalization and classification platform

March 2020. At the heart of every Financial Services organization is the central management of all customer information (dealers, customers, employees) and the consolidation of all communication channels (paper-based or paperless) in a central platform. This was the basis of our assignment to create a sustainable and future-oriented digitalization strategy.

In a completely agile project environment, Prime Force was commissioned to integrate existing IT solution modules (CRM, ERP, DMS, archive) at BMW Bank GmbH and to combine several process service providers with various input channels (paper scan, portal, e-mail, fax and, in the future, social media) in a performance-optimized, scalable, and flexible system platform. This ensures that all information for handling individual business processes is made available in its entirety in the corresponding work step. This has significantly improved the quality of service for bank customers.

Customer satisfaction as a key metric requires the optimized and effective processing of all communication channels. This requires a variety of technical solutions:

  • The user interface for the specialist department and process step are optimized and individually adapted at the inbox level.
  • Dedicated and ergonomic user interface for centralized customer communication.
  • Automated document classification based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.
  • Automated routing of processes using workflows (BPM).
  • Consideration of the company-wide retention policy for documents.
  • Reporting, benchmarking, and SLA generation and monitoring of SLA compliance.
  • Basic platform for 360° customer view.
  • Solution for global use.

 The agile project approach includes the following core elements:

  • Agile UX design with direct involvement of the user.
  • SCRUM-based delivery process.
  • Micro-service-based architecture based on the domains: document management system, input channel/input management, and customized and customer-oriented user interface.
  • Continuous integration and automated tests.
  • Cloud solution.

The user's and the product owner's objectives were always at the center of development. By involving users early on and regularly as part of the agile approach, it was possible to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction. At the same time, this ensured a targeted change management process. Thanks to the consistent adherence to agile development methods, the first stage of the implementation went live successfully and productively just six months after the start of the project.

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