On-Demand Webinar:

Save Costs on your Java licenses with Azul OpenJDK

For the fourth time in four years, Oracle has changed how it prices and licenses Java. Many organizations that rely on Java apps are switching from Oracle JDK to OpenJDK and taking advantage of significant cost savings in the process. Learn how to seamlessly migrate from Oracle Java to Azul OpenJDK by registering for Prime Force and Azul’s German-language webinar.

Ralph Voelter - Sales Director (Azul) and Michael Roeschter Sales Engineering (Azul)Many companies struggle with the complexities and costs of Oracle Java licenses. The rigid licensing terms and the risk of audits and fees pose significant challenges for effectively managing IT budgets. Migrate from Oracle JDK to Azul OpenJDK with Azul Platform Core and take advantage of significant cost savings in the process with Prime Force. Enterprises like yours can optimize their Java infrastructure, streamline operations, and achieve up to 70% reduction in licensing costs compared to Oracle. Break free from the constraints of Oracle Java. Discover in our On-Demand free webinar how to save costs and optimize your Java environment with Azul OpenJDK.

Make use of Prime Force’s and Azul’s expert knowledge, support, security updates, application optimizations, and cost-saving advice. Complete the form below to gain access to Prime Force x Azul German-language webinar for executives.

Azul's free e-book offers a clear and engaging overview of migrating to OpenJDK. The learning material especially covers how to transition with ease, even for those who have a variety of specialized Java apps, created at different times and running on different JDK versions. Fill out the form below to receive your complimentary copy and accelerate your migration journey.

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